Fast and reliable field data collection for Utility companies.

Eliminate paperwork from field data collection and ensure presence using NFC technology.

NFC Tags on locations ━ Make sure the staff was present at the locations.
Mobile app ━ Custom form opens at each location.
Web app ━ Plan and track measurements, analyze data and generate reports.
TagPlan dashboard screenshot.

Simplified field data collection process for Utility companies

Plan field visits for your staff, track their progress, inputs and analyze data.


98% less errors

Only planned values are shown for each location.

No paperwork

Just use your phone to collect the data.

Online or offline operation

Validate presence and collect data with or without internet connection. All data is synced once back to the signal.

Fast planning

Plan visits for one or more locations at the same time.

Easy to use

Our customers don't want to go back to manual data collection.

Generate reports

Generate Excel reports for your archive or present data to authorities.

60% Faster data collection

By scanning a NFC tag, the app opens a form with data inputs for exact location on that day. Workers only need to input those data.

100% compliance with authority regulations

You have full control over your operations and your collected data from the field.

A go-to app for Utility companies

Our users from Utility sector report better overview of field visits and data collection.

Completely customizable

Users define their data: measurement types, locations, write their NFC tags and plan their visits.

Water droplet.

Interested in our solution?

Send us an email and we will be happy to help you and show TagPlan in action.

Not quite sure if solution is right for your use case? Book a DEMO with us and we will discuss the possiblities.
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